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Society is a network of persons interacting within a geographically sovereign area, with unique culture, social institutions, values, Norms, roles, and sanctions governing each other’s behavior. This phenomenon is definitely the basis of individual behavior and personality development as deeply believed by Sociologist. American Sociologist C. Wright mills; stated that to understand the nature of individual behavior, the best context to place the individual is the social context/environment; then we will understand the reasons behind his/her behavioral patterns and the “individual uniqueness” this is the core foundation of his concept of sociological imagination.Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both” C. Wright Mills (1959).
The Society has without a doubt been the platform for the offshoot of great developmental strides: in technology, science, literature, in culture, in globalization, in music, in religion, in trade. The power of the society as the incubator of the individual character and actions has been confirmed and reconfirmed through the revealing hands of time and through individual scholarly engagements and findings. From nature and arrangement of the political system to the efficiency or inefficiency of the education system, to the Potency and impotency of the family institution, to economic stability or crisis, the moral health of the religious institution, to media integrity or its shambolic nature e.t.c. Society has the power to make or mar the health of its own individual members and the world at large; based on its functionality or dysfunctionality. From modern to developing Nations of the world: the rate and level of Individual life chances, to literacy level, gainful employment, and other key socio-economic indexes are greatly influenced by nature and the development level of various societies.
The functionality of each society’s various parts is germane to the existence and sustainability of social development. When we take a look at the direct opposite of social development which is social problems, we would notice a more surprising effect e.g. just a fall in the education standards of society can throw the economic system and other social institutions into chaos. So what are social problems? Often argued as complex to determine and define based on the tendency to apply subjective interpretation, individual life experience, values, and cultural interpretation.
Be it as it may, the fact remains that certain disruptions affect various social classes in the society plus a significant amount of members notwithstanding ethnic or racial affiliation, with enough media attention and yearnings for a solution. This makes the social problem a universal and critical issue. 

From the agreed basis to the definition of social problems;
 Four main important parameters are put into consideration:
1.     That the objective condition must be perceived to be a social problem publicly. That is, there must be a public outcry. People must become actively involved in discussing the problem. Public attention becomes directed towards the social condition.
2.     The condition must involve a gap between social ideals and social reality. That is, the condition must run counter to the values of the larger society
3.     A significant proportion of the population must be involved in defining the problem. (A large proportion of the population must be concerned about the condition)It must attract national outcry.
4.     The condition must be capable of solution through collective action by the people.
From the definition of what social problems entails, the problem of Drug addiction as it is generally known is not a new phenomenon. Drug addiction according to the NIDA; (national institute on drug abuse) is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. It is considered a brain disorder because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control, and those changes may last a long time after a person has stopped taking drugs. Addiction or addictive behavior especially as regards to drugs and drug substance abuse has been in existence from time immemorial; Drug addiction could occur through accidental usage or individual random contact with an addictive drug or through human association that promotes the usage of such even though such practices are considered unlawful by the larger society. However,  the recent focus gained by drug addiction in our time sterns from its continuous uprising which has become consistent over the years, the large and growing network of illicit drug and substance farmers, manufacturers, and trafficking syndicates, the inhumane practices that accompany it, the disequilibrium effect that hits the society from its aftermath; in crimes, gangsterism, and several antisocial behaviors which according to the NIDA (national institute on drug abuse) still Includes: violence, communicable diseases  inability to control stress level, conflicting judgment, e.t.c

Drug addiction has become a consistent behavior, a learned behavior, a group/shared behavior ; and the uniqueness of this phenomenon is not only about the ‘’Addiction” itself, but that ‘’Addiction” (in which drug addiction Is a more global issue) has now birthed a chain of distribution and redistribution of addictive substances along coastal, air, road, and railway lines of several countries and continents of the world through illegal and unlawful penetration that is destroying the moral fabric of many societies, and continues to negatively affect individuals across national, ethnic, racial and continental divides.


The NIDA rolled out statistics on the effect of drug abuse and addiction on the American society: spanned High Health care spending, to loss of productivity, various forms of accidents from drug abuse and addiction effects, including criminal behavior. As of 2014, alcohol abuse accounted for a whopping $ 224 billion US dollars in cost to the America society, it also accounted for $ 25 billion dollars in cost to the society’s healthcare system, while substance abuse cost the health care system about $ 11 billion US dollars, with the overall cost reaching 193 billion US dollars.

The NIDA (national institute on drug abuse) also reported a demographic trend in drug usage; with an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older which constitutes 9.4% of the total population at that time was discovered to have used the illicit drug in the past month. This number scaled up from the previous 8.3% back in 2002. The increase mostly reflects a recent rise in the use of marijuana, the most commonly used illicit drug.
Surprisingly from the nature of American society and its well-known status as not only a modern society, but the world – power in science, technology and several facets of human endeavor; this society still witness soaring rates of drug abuse and addictive behavior from a considerable worrying percentage of its total population, from baby boomers to its 21st-century youths cutting across both the poor and affluent class. I put it straight like this: “whatever phenomenon wreaking havoc on the society irrespective of the latter’s nature/standard; such phenomenon has its root still from some sort of dysfunctionality yet to be addressed within that society’s social structure.

Statistics reveals that most first-time drug abusers encountered the behavior as a result of seemingly pressuring and loose – end social factors and conditions respectively in the form of racial discrimination, Stress guild work environment and processes, separated/divorced family, peer pressure and influence, rich kid – low care/nonsupervision norm, increasing individualism arising from an ever industrializing and complex American society, dwindling religiosity, negative media contents and modern hip hop music culture and role modeling influence, Transfer of grooming and socialization function from parents to nannies etc are just part of the list of general issues fueling the proliferation of the drug abuse and the addiction problem in American society.

In Nigeria (western Africa) the rise of evident increasing drug abuse and addiction began post-colonial era, aftermath oil discovery and the rise of a new social and economic class, with the upsurge of corruption-related political practices in government and the civil war that ruptured the country between 1967 and 1970. This left many citizens in a state of “broken mirror’’ trying to pick themselves back together, with so much economic downturn and a new import-based economy; and offshoots of skyrocketing unemployment rates, the illegal trade and trafficking of addictive drugs and substances held sway as an innovated the route to the “prosperity” that our society so much value as an ideal and necessary achievement for individual members.

Since the 1960s downward, the phenomenon of drug abuse and consequently addiction has skyrocketed and holds sway amongst Nigerian teenagers and youths mostly living in impoverished neighborhoods: characterized by high birth rates, poor economic infrastructure, high rate of out – of - school children and general illiteracy rate, negative media, and role modeling influence; that plunges most slums, towns, and states in Nigeria; especially in the Northern parts and urban regions of the Nation. The drugs that are commonly abused include but not limited to: I) Legal, over the counter drugs (Alcohol, cigarettes, inhalants, etc) ii) Legal, prescription drugs (, Tramadol, Codeine etc) iii) Chemicals iv) Illegal drugs (cannabis or marijuana, cocaine).
A recent field study into the slums of Lagos (from Ajegunle to mile 2) led to the discovery of wanton drug addiction and culture of illegal drug sales and usage by almost every member of the slum society with users cutting across every age grade. From marijuana or ‘’Igbo” as locally called, to excessive consumption of Tramadol, Codeine; all believed to be routes out of depression, frustration and impoverishment are laden in their locality.
In Northern Nigeria; the situation is alarming due to high rate of out of school children, teenagers and youths in the area, with an alarming birth rate and relatively unstable family structures which has made a lot of children become street urchins and a menace to the society, from Kano to Kaduna, Nasarawa to Gombe and several Northern states; the usage of excessive Codeine, Gums, Tramadol, Marijuana and several illegal drugs and substances have become an issue of national and international interest. Early 2018; the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) called on the Nigerian government to arrest the increasingly widespread use of pharmaceutical drugs among the country’s youth. The call was made in a memorandum sent to the country’s national assembly dated 26th march 2018, and it showed that Tramadol and Codeine is the most abused pharmaceutical substances. Reports also showed a steady rise in nonmedical use of pharmaceutical drugs and substances.

from the general point of view and our sequence of analysis of the social origin of drug addiction as a problem of inefficiency in societal structures, institutional deficiency and imbalanced social relations in society; we would observe that the trend in the linkage between the various social factors responsible for the ugly uprising of drug abuse and subsequently drug addiction in both developing and developed the world is the fact that they erupt from social disorganization of some sort that are inflicting damage and could inflict catastrophic damage on the respective societies if they are not checked. From the peculiarities confronting the 2 divides, society is fighting a disease that erupted from its own malfunctioning, where do we look for a solution to such issue? It’s obvious from the root of the malfunction, which is inherent in social disequilibrium.

April Shaw et al (2007) under the auspice of the Scottish drugs forum examined the social dynamics of drug abuse and addiction through the subject matter of deprivation. According to their executive summary, there are strong links between poverty, deprivation, widening inequalities and the problem of drug use but the picture is complex. It may involve fragile family bonds, psychological discomfort, low job opportunities, and few community resources.
In the US post-war period as some of the big cities encountered the first shocks of de-industrialization. A series of studies by the Chicago School of Sociology showed clearly that poverty and decay in inner cities were the key causes of the heroin epidemics of the 1950s and 1960s in New York, Chicago, and other US cities. In the 1980s those same factors helped to fuel the crack epidemics in the US. An influential study by Parker et al (1986) undertaken in the Wirral during the 1980s showed the average prevalence of heroin users across the peninsular was 18.2 per 1,000 among 16-24 year-olds. But the spread ranged in different districts from zero to 162 per 1,000. The variation in geographical prevalence was highly correlated with seven indicators of background deprivation levels in each area: unemployment rate, council tenancies, overcrowding, larger families, unskilled employment, single-parent families and lack of access to a car.


in the analysis of the dynamics of drug addiction; theories like social inequality/Marxism buttresses point blank; the inherent imbalance in wealth and privilege distribution in the society as the breeding ground for such a trend as fast rising cases of drug addiction; this assertion points to the case of slum and impoverished locality residents; accounting for more than 2 - 3rd of victims of drug addiction cases and crime perpetrators in developing nations like Nigeria and many others.  The concept of social inequality is a social reality in every society in the world; but the rate and prevalence differs from one society to another; here the economy is the superstructure and determinant of balance or disequilibrium in the society; Unequal distribution of economic wealth flings certain class to the lowest rung of the wealth lather, creating conditions like: unemployment, poverty, poor health delivery services and infrastructure, poor education and literacy level. Addiction is a response to the prevailing inequality witnessed by the lower class or haves not; a perceived route out of the frustration of structural lack and deficient societal arrangement, even though most abused drugs and substances only give momentary escape out of the ugly situation, the persistence that leads to addiction is the reflection of how dire the the situation has developed into. The restoration of equal rights and the reduction of inequality will ultimately create a more healthy society, with more inclusiveness.

 Explains addiction as learned behavior associated with conditioning and a series of processes that are behavioral and cognitive; its assumption includes; that addiction only surfaces through conditioning, or repetitive drug abuse behavior. Addiction is also said to exist in degrees, the greater the addiction, the greater the negative feeling witnessed in the absence of the drug. The propositions of this model are numerous; but all attached to the explanation of dependency or addiction as a behavioral phenomenon and not necessarily a chemically initiated issue.
Looking at American society and other Developed nations plunged with drug addiction; the spate of youth modeling in drug abuse and subsequently, drug addiction is quite high; the majority of youngsters had learned drug use and substance consumption through experimentation and peer pressure, also as a stress coping strategy (including Adults), escape route from emotional struggles, and a desire to escape. According to Addiction center; Majority of adults with addiction first experimented with drugs before they turned 21. From the teenagers to the youth and adults to the work force and baby boomers, drug abuse have been so wide spate a culture, a coping strategy, an escape strategy, a group or subgroup culture, a behavior that has become entrenched through the attempt to rise above the challenges of an ever complex and changing modern society that often fails to take full supervision of the actions of its population across the age grade, which inequality would not be substantial enough to provide the needed answers and explanation too.
We must first note that every behavior that has social consequences has a social origin which is often linked to social structural gaps and inefficiencies. Drug use causes crime; crime fosters drug use, other factors include unemployment rate, divorce rate/single parenthood, overcrowding,
And we must also note that solution to such problems as drug addiction entails concerted effort by every other institution and agencies in the society; in the manner in which the whole body gets into action when there is a bruise, fracture or ailment in the Body; the Government, family, media, health, military and security forces, religious institutions must take on the mantra of making the society first a peaceful arena, then a functional context, then consistently promote discipline and inculcation of healthy values, functional information and role – modeling effect that wards of the attitude of drug use and addiction as a route out of personal or social challenges; most especially amongst the youths who have been discovered to be the most affected age grade across the societies of the world in illegal drug use, addiction, and distribution across regional and continental borders.
A concerted effort through rehabilitation programs that involves:

Proper orientation and affective education, family support, sports engagement, vocational skill acquisition, vitally; Media content and drug abuse consequences - awareness should be worked on keenly; as many learned drug use and addictive behaviors come from negative media  content and wrong role – modeling effect from this medium.
The option of meting out violence on convicted drug addicts should be kept in check by the various societal governments, as this has been discovered as not only incapable of keeping drug behavior at the check, but further aggravates violence which is fuelled by continuous drugs use and trade; with a case study of president Duterte’s war on drugs in the Philippines which has lead to violence and bloodshed and reprisals of Drug use and addiction; the the goal should be rehabilitation with the various benefits and reformation approach; as the society needs each and every one of its members for her to succeed.


Addiction center, 2018. Teen drug experimentation. Publication. Ft Lauderdale, Florida: Addiction center Delphi Behavioural Health Group.
Buchanan, 2004. Drug use and deprivation. Literaure review. Glasgow: Scotthish Drugs Forum.
C.Wright, M., 1959. Sociological Imagination. Academic analysis. London: Oxford University Press Oxford university.
Lolu, O., 2018. Opinion Drug Abuse By Nigerian Youth: Curbing A Resurgent Menace. 1st ed. Lagos: leadership News paper.
NARCONON, 2009. Overview of Drug addiction problem in Nigeria. Drug abuse information. Oklahoma: NARCONON REPORTS NARCONON.
NIDA, 2014. Trends and statistics. Trends and Statistics on Drug abuse. Kensington: National Institute On Drug Abuse National Institute On Drug Abuse.
Phelim, K., 2018. Philippines’ Duterte Confesses to ‘Drug War’ Slaughter’. Dispatches. New york: Human right watch News Agency., A., 2007. Drugs and Poverty. Literature review. Glasgow Caledonian: Scotthish drugs forum Scottish Association of Alcohol and Drug Action Teams.
Unity Behavioral health, 2018. American drug use is on the rise. Trends. Florida: Unity behavioral Health Unity behavioral Health.
UNODC, 2018. Analysis of Drug market; opiates, cocaine, cannabis, synthetic drugs. Annual trend report. Vienna, Austria: The UNODC office on Drugs and Crime United Nations.


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