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Showing posts from July, 2020


Of four feet's wondering about in a space  A space though spherical yet boundless Many heads joined with mind and values  they roam the street of life with a mission tangible and intangible Yet amongst the crowd, there be certain feet destined to fit  Though silent screams had been whispered from one end. It was never to be heard by the other yet Time was dancing between the two, yet not ready to bring them close Focused amongst the multitude, never yielded to distractions and its fortitude  Two feet's been walking  paths  of greatness yet  paths  didn't meet. Destiny: as though two separate drops in the mighty oceans, will definitely blend Though space and depth seem boundless Waves, tides, and storm could fight, yet they will blend That's the craft of the mastermind, the Supreme Kind Many  paths  thereby, many feet be that walk, but certain feet must align  Certain  Paths  must blend to make a broader path If this be ma