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  YOU descended to deliver the weak, the downtrodden, and the rich Not the Perfect! YOU rule every subset of men Not the Perfect! The one’s who will throng at YOUR feet and pay THEE homage are those who YOU seek Not the Perfect! Though THOU wouldest not welcome the nonchalant nor seek the faintly meek: Still YOU sight the weak Not the Perfect! Those who Glory in their strength and weary men with their might YOU detest, but the humble you prefer Not the Perfect! To Magnify THYSELF YOU seek those who will lower themselves Not the Perfect! To show YOURSELF strong you search for those who render themselves small Not the Perfect! In YOUR perfect GLORY, YOU shine and blossom in YOUR Glory for many to see Not the Perfect! Simple and shinning; insignificant but MIGHTY, thou hidest THYSELF but will care to reveal THYSELF to they that seek thee Not the Perfect! Men may War and cause dissensions: violently take over, or enthrone themselves, but YOU remain immov


Of four feet's wondering about in a space  A space though spherical yet boundless Many heads joined with mind and values  they roam the street of life with a mission tangible and intangible Yet amongst the crowd, there be certain feet destined to fit  Though silent screams had been whispered from one end. It was never to be heard by the other yet Time was dancing between the two, yet not ready to bring them close Focused amongst the multitude, never yielded to distractions and its fortitude  Two feet's been walking  paths  of greatness yet  paths  didn't meet. Destiny: as though two separate drops in the mighty oceans, will definitely blend Though space and depth seem boundless Waves, tides, and storm could fight, yet they will blend That's the craft of the mastermind, the Supreme Kind Many  paths  thereby, many feet be that walk, but certain feet must align  Certain  Paths  must blend to make a broader path If this be ma


Life is a bundle of choices You could stay where you are; or dare to go the extra mile You could covet greedily or cherish contentment with gain You could kill; meanwhile thou should also one day die             You could give life and thou would one day live To be kind; it lieth in thy hands Brutality is also an item in life’s shopping cart To oppress might be a worthy line for you The oppressed also have a choice to make life unbearable for you Sacrifice and pleasure are life’s alternates too To respect all will do you good but that’s a choice To disregard and dishonour all is a choice that has its own reward too If you paint the world beautiful that’s a choice If you trample upon it; ugly outcomes will paint you Wonderful Alternates dwelling daily with you, choose some, others you cancel For the future you could see the light or sight gloom It all depends on you; and your choices too For a much better tomorrow, it all depends on you W