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Showing posts from November, 2020


  YOU descended to deliver the weak, the downtrodden, and the rich Not the Perfect! YOU rule every subset of men Not the Perfect! The one’s who will throng at YOUR feet and pay THEE homage are those who YOU seek Not the Perfect! Though THOU wouldest not welcome the nonchalant nor seek the faintly meek: Still YOU sight the weak Not the Perfect! Those who Glory in their strength and weary men with their might YOU detest, but the humble you prefer Not the Perfect! To Magnify THYSELF YOU seek those who will lower themselves Not the Perfect! To show YOURSELF strong you search for those who render themselves small Not the Perfect! In YOUR perfect GLORY, YOU shine and blossom in YOUR Glory for many to see Not the Perfect! Simple and shinning; insignificant but MIGHTY, thou hidest THYSELF but will care to reveal THYSELF to they that seek thee Not the Perfect! Men may War and cause dissensions: violently take over, or enthrone themselves, but YOU remain immov